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Writer's pictureDeadLegz


We all know that plastics in the ocean is a growing problem. A part of the reason we are journeying across the Atlantic Ocean is to highlight the peril our oceans are in. Plastic from our daily lives is finding its way into our oceans before breaking down into tiny microplastics that fish ingest. These fish can end up our food, passing those microplastics into our own bodies. There have already been instances where plastic has been found in the bodies of living people. Plastics wash up on our shores, creating hazards for land-animals and spoiling our areas of natural beauty.

It may not seem important, but between 50 and 80% of life on our planet lives in the ocean. So what if it kills a few fish?

If the sensitive eco-cycle of the ocean is broken, then it can have disastrous consequences for us land-based mammals. The food chain will become unsustainable, creating voids or overpopulation of types of animal that further disrupt the oceans ability to maintain a stable habitat, forcing temperatures to rise, ice-caps to melt and our coastal cities become gradually submerged under rising sea levels.

The Different Types of Plastic You Are Most Likely to Use and What They Do

Single-use plastics are typically made from a variety of materials, such as polyethylene and polypropylene. These types of plastics are often used for packaging or to make products more durable.

Plastic containers can be divided into two categories: recyclable and nonrecyclable. Recyclable plastic containers can be recycled multiple times while nonrecyclable plastic containers cannot be recycled at all and must ultimately end up in landfills or the environment.

8 Simple Tips to Reduce the Amount of Plastic You Use Every Day by 25%

1. Bring your own reusable shopping bags when you shop.

2. Avoid using single-use plastics for food preparation and storage. Instead, use reusable containers or utensils to minimize plastic waste.

3. Avoid purchasing packaged foods that come in packages made from single-use plastics. Try to buy fresh produce instead, which often comes wrapped in paper or cloth rather than a disposable plastic bag.*

4. Buy recycled materials whenever possible for products like packaging and insulation (e .g., reclaimed postcards).

5. Reduce the amount of water used when washing dishes by using a dishwasher that doubles as a washing machine and reuse water to rinse off dishes.

6. Bring your own mug when you drink coffee or tea in public places. If possible, use recycled materials like glass or ceramic vessels.*

7. Prefer bottled water over tap water whenever possible because plastic bottles are often used to deliver drinking water.**

8. Compost food waste, which can be transformed into fertilizers for gardens and composting bins that reduce the amount of harmful chemical runoff into rivers and lakes.

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